API Reference


Allows the tenant to add a batch of trades efficiently

Tenants have the option to add trades directly as a transaction (using the AddTransactions endpoint)


Tenants may prefer to submit trades using this endpoint which requires a quote_unique_symbol for the Quote / Instrument traded. This quote_unique_symbol will then be converted to a pair of assets so that the trade can be converted to a transaction entry for the account(s) specified.

As a trade can be executed between two counterparties (or accounts) - a buyer_account_unique_identifier and seller_account_unique_identifier can be referenced (they are not required). If both are referenced then it will generate two transactions in the system (1 for the buyer account and 1 for the seller account)

To avoid problems with transaction_unique_identifier clashes (in the event a trade requires two separate transaction entries). The transaction_unique_identifier will be generated using the trade_unique_identifier and suffixed with "B" for the buyers transaction and "S" for the sellers.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!